LUDIP 2023

The purpose of LUDIP as enunciated by RA 11396 is to improve and optimize the utilization of the SUC’s resources, particularly its land.

Technical Report Vol. 1

Volume 1: Technical report on CTNA, LUPID, and CDRIA

Technical Report Vol. 2

Volume 2: Technical report on Hazard Assessment


UA must strive to become a paragon in showing that sustainable development can be meet thru inclusive growth while building the adaptive capacities of its stakeholders and communities, help in increasing the resilience of vulnerable sectors and optimize disaster mitigation opportunities.

Gawad Kalasag

This maiden attempt of UA to participate in the Kalasag Award for 2024 is concrete evidence that we are serious about being the partner of the government in resiliency and sustainability programs.

DRRM Manual

The University of Antique Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Manual is designed to
guide head of units in the University in facilitating the protection of students, personnel, and
education itself.